Collection: Functional Capacity Evaluation (FCE's) Certification
The FCE course will teach you how to complete Functional Capacity Evaluations (FCE's).
September 14th, 2024 - Toronto
Read more about our September course in Toronto.
All 3 delivery options (On-demand, Video Conference, or Classroom) have the same content, they all include the Certified Functional Capacity Evaluator certificate.
Historically, return-to-work decisions were based upon diagnoses and prognoses of physicians, but did not include objective measurements of an individual’s functional abilities. Most physicians are not trained to assess the full array of human functional abilities required for comprehensive disability determinations or return to work recommendations. The physician or treating provider determines diagnosis and prognosis, but should rely on functional testing to more objectively identify an individual’s functional abilities and limitations rather than their use of estimates, commonly called restrictions. In an evidence-based model, measurements are preferable to estimates.
The Metriks Functional Capacity Evaluation (FCE) certification is a course on the proper design, administration, and interpretation of FCEs. This course will teach the student how to conduct the four major components of an FCE: Intake Interview, clinical records review, physical examination and content valid functional testing. The content of this material will follow the American Physical Therapy Association’s FCE Best Practices Guideline.
Learning Outcomes
- Perform a comprehensive functional assessment with a client
- Use information collected to guide the development of a detailed functional assessment report
- Provide appropriate instruction of assessment execution, including appropriate verbal and tactile cues
- Conduct a structured interview to gather data about a client’s past history, perceived level of disability, activities of daily living and details of their job duties.
- Measure joint range of motion for the purpose of rating level of impairment.
- Measure and analyze levels of physical effort to determine if the client’s assessment data is a reasonable representation of ability or if the client could do more than demonstrated.
- Conduct and interpret standardized measures of function and compare the results to required job demands.
- Assess a client’s material handling ability and classify the results using the National Occupational Classification strength levels.
- Explain the usefulness of Functional Capacity Evaluation (FCE) to a stakeholder involved in a client’s disability management.
- Analyze a Physical Demands Analysis (PDA) to determine the job demands required for a return to work FCE.
- Perform a complete Functional Capacity Evaluation
- Interpret and rate the results of a Functional Capacity Evaluation.
- Write a Functional Capacity Evaluation report
- Outline the financial and legal implications of functional capacity evaluations and why they are conducted.
- Describe the history of functional capacity evaluations and where the comparison data originated.
- Detail the processes for conducting a functional capacity evaluation.
- Explain use of coefficients of variation when evaluation strength measurements.
- Demonstrate the ability to conduct tests for pain of non-organic origin.
- Demonstrate ability to design custom protocols to simulate occupational and work tasks for evaluation.
- Demonstrate ability to conduct behavioural and validity analysis of functional capacity evaluation data.
Frequently asked questions
What is included in the training?
- Certified Functional Capacity Evaluation certificate.
- Online open-book certification exam.
- How to perform an FCE on-line pre-recorded lectures.
- How to perform an FCE on-line video
- How to perform an FCE two hundred fifty (250) page manual.
- Sample FCE report templates (MS Word)
- Intake documents and consent forms
- Psychometric questionnaires.
- How to write a report: FCE sample reports
- How to write a report: FCE report interpretation guide
- How to write a report: FCE report quality assurance checklist
- Guidelines published by various healthcare associations
- Research on FCE's reference list
- Legal cases on FCE's reference list
- Marketing Guide for your FCE practice
- Marketing materials sample articles and brochures
- Free access for training purposes to the Metriks FCE platform: Online data collection forms and automated report creation templates.
Do I have to re-new the certification every year?
No, we at Metriks don't like certifications that require yearly renewals, seems like a money grab to us. You are a professional, if you want more education you will take more courses.
What if I have questions?
We are here to help. You can call toll free (866) 722 4722; email: or we can set up a Zoom video call.
Isn't hands on better?
We enjoy meeting and interacting with students during our in-person courses, but that is not practical for everyone. An FCE is not a technically challenging assessment, most of the testing is done by the client; "please lift this box or please move these pegs". The complexity of the FCE comes from the volume of tests and the interpretation of the data.
Do I get data collection sheets, sample reports and manual?
Yes, Yes, and Yes. The 250 page manual includes data collection sheets, detailed instructions and interpretation guides. We include sample reports of 1-day, 2-day, and a variety of styles for long and short reports.
How is the course delivered?
The course is divided into 8 sections, each section has a an online lecture component with a variety of slides, videos, and readings. When applicable the section includes a workbook and lecture notes. Each section has an emphasis on data interpretation. The 8 sections are: Introduction to the FCE, The intake interview, The intake documents, Impairment Testing, Effort testing, Non-Material handling testing, and Material Handling.
What about report writing?
The course includes unlimited use (for educational purposes) of our Metriks FCE data collection and report writing software. This software will walk you through the entire process of completing the FCE. The data collection forms include data interpretation guides. Data is exported into a selection of MS Word templates that you can download to your computer.
In this course, students become familiar with the field of Disability and Impairment ratings with a specific focus on the Functional Capacity Evaluations (FCE). The interaction of the FCE and Occupational Job Demands is also covered. Students will comprehensively examine and apply various methods of evaluating Disability and Impairment in both healthy and injured clients. Critical evaluation of test results as they relate to musculoskeletal injury and safety risk factors will also be creatively applied to encourage a comprehensive approach to disability health management.
FCE Certification (13 hours - Online)
Regular price £476.00 GBPRegular priceUnit price / per